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Juniper Berry Oil 10ml

At Naturesupplies, we provide the highest quality Juniper Berry Oil using only the finest ingredients. This oil is available in a 10ml bottle and is therefore a perfect size for storing at home in your cupboard. This is a completely natural product and is free from pesticides and GMO’s. It is used as massage oil and can be blended with other oils before being rubbed in to the skin.
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Juniper berries grow upon a tree called; yes you’ve guessed it, the Juniper tree! These trees grow in many parts of the world including Asia, Europe and North America. The oil is extracted from the berry during a process of steam distillation. The oil has an earthy aroma and has been used as aromatherapy oil as far back as the ancient civilisations of Egypt and Greece. If you are interested in acquiring Juniper Berry Oil from Naturesupplies then please get in touch today.
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Juniper Berry Oil 10ml